Note: In addition to the following PDFs, you'll find Test Reports when you are ready to Shop by Product. Scroll down to About This Product and you'll see the Testing Reports tab on the right of each product page. For information about Load Capacity, Pullout Strength and Proof Testing, visit our Load Capacity page.
Steel Arrowheads
3ST-36TH 3" anchor / 3' cable / thimble
3ST-60CC 3" anchor / 5' cable / cable clamp
3ST-60QV 3" anchor / 5' cable / Quickvise
3ST-120QV 3" anchor / 10' cable / Quickvise
3ST-36QV-Disk 3" anchor / 3' cable / anchor disk
3ST-36AT 3" anchor / 3' cable / anti-theft loop
4ST-48TH 4" anchor / 4' cable / thimble
4ST-60CC 4" anchor / 5' cable / cable clamps
Aluminum Arrowheads
Each PDF also describes the Military Spec equivalent model
4AL-48TH 4" anchor / 4' cable ' thimble
4AL-60CC 4" anchor / 5' cable / cable clamps
6AL-60TH 6" anchor / 5' cable / thimble
6AL-60CC 6" anchor / 5' cable / cable clamps
6AL-120QV 6" anchor / 10' cable / Quickvise
8AL-60TH 8" anchor / 5' cable / thimble
8AL-60CC 8" anchor / 5' cable / cable clamps